As part of my first home automation AliExpress haul, I bought the ZigBee temperature and humidity sensor from hoazee. Going into this review, I didn’t have high expectations for any products from AliExpress but I was pleasantly surprised.
For me, the clear winner was the haozee: it had better granularity in its data and is really aesthetically pleasing to look at.
You can take a look at the data I gathered during my tests on this Google Sheet.

haozee ZigBee Temperature and Humidity Sensor
If you purchase from the link above, I may earn a commission as an affiliate. This DOES NOT in any way affect what or how I review a product.

LeftSitu ZigBee Temperature and Humidity Sensor
If you purchase from the link above, I may earn a commission as an affiliate. This DOES NOT in any way affect what or how I review a product.

For the first automation controlling your HVAC thermostat based on your temperature sensors, I had to use two templates in the actions. Replace sensor.thermostat_temperature with the entity name you found in your devices.
Decreasing temperature:
{{ states(‘sensor.thermostat_temperature’) | int – ( states(‘input_number.hvac_upper_range’) | int – states(‘sensor.thermostat_temperature’) | int ) }}
Increasing temperature:
{{ states(‘sensor.thermostat_temperature’) | int + ( states(‘sensor.thermostat_temperature’) | int ) – states(‘input_number.hvac_lower_range’) | int }}