Blog Posts
  • 10 posts
Zigbee Temperature and Humidity Sensors Episode Notes

As part of my first home automation AliExpress haul, I bought the ZigBee temperature and humidity sensor from hoazee. Going into this review, I didn’t have high expectations for any products from AliExpress but I was pleasantly surprised. For me, the clear winner was the haozee: it had better granularity in its data and is […]

Upgrading the home network

I moved into my new place in the summer of 2023. Bright eyed and ready to go. Realized once I moved in that none of the ethernet ports were wired up (turned out they were actually phone jacks), so I’ve been relying on the single port in my office to provide internet to the entire […]

The Aurora Borealis Comes To Alabama

In a very rare event, the aurora borealis (or northern lights) were seen as far south as Alabama due to a large solar storm. It was a breathtaking sight to behold. These photos are taken from my house on May 10, 2024. I didn’t know how long it would last or I would’ve driven somewhere […]

Elara, the newest edition to the homelab

You may recall that I started my journey to Elara some time back. I was back and forth between building my own or buying a refurbished one. I ended up doing the latter. I purchased her at the end of June from ServerMonkey. They’re a really great refurbisher with awesome customer support, good stock, and […]

Docker without Desktop on macOS

This post was inspired by this Medium post. It’s a couple years old and doesn’t cover Compose. Docker Desktop is a bit of a bloated mess and I’ve had more than my fair share of issues with it — on both Windows and macOS. When I sat down to setup my new work Macbook, I […]

Drag-and-drop Jira Organizer

If you’re like me, you need some system for organizing your Jiras outside of the normal prioritization inside Jira. I’ve used pen and paper, Apple Notes, and Todoist, but those are manual. I need something that actively works along side Jira. So, I created an organizer where you can drag-and-drop Jiras into your own sorting.

Bring your own equipment on AT&T Fiber

Just upgraded to AT&T Fiber today. I was skeptical after their U-VERSE marketing, but this is actual fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) service. From the central office, it hits a 64-port fiber hub not far from my house and one of those ports are mine. 😈 I’m not a huge fan of having to use someone else’s wireless […]

Marvin – The Friendly AWS MFA Robot

When I started my new job in the fintech world, I knew security was going to be tight and paramount. I didn’t, however, realize how annoying security was going to be, too. One of the security measures we use for accessing AWS is multi-factor authentication via an authentication app. Accessing a site with it is […]

Journey to Elara

Eyy! I purchased Elara! Read more here. My home infrastructure is lacking a powerful enough core server to run what I need. This is my journey to Elara. Present Situation Right now, my home server is an old custom-built server from back when I owned a MSP. It’s name is Worf and he’s served me […]

Meet Europa, My Gaming PC

This was copied over from my old blog. I’ll hopefully be able to update it soon. As a streamer, one of the questions I get asked most frequently is “what are your PC specs?” and I never remember off the top of my head. For this build, I wanted a very clean looking setup so […]